In this course, we will study the basics of the multimedia system and of the different elements of the …

  In this course, we will study the basics of the multimedia system and of the different elements of the multimedia system. The theories  of  Authoring  systems,  its  tools  and  development  areas  have  also  been discussed  in  this  course.  This  course  also  considers  the  concept  of  Video Conferencing  and  the  protocols  in  Multimedia  such  as  the  real  time  transfer protocol,  session  control  protocol  etc. It  goes  beyond  the  traditional  access network   processes   to   discuss   technological   developments   such   as   Cable Television, Digital Subscriber lines, digital television etc. The  overall  aims  of  this  course  are  to  introduce  you  to  the  history  and components of the Multimedia Technology. The fundamentals of Digital audio, video, images and colours are equally discussed. There are five modules in this course; each module consists of at least 4 units of topics that you are expected to complete in 2 hours. The five modules and their units are listed below. What You will Learn in this Course The overall aims and objectives of this course are to provide guidance on what you should be achieving in the course of your studies. Each unit also has its own unit   objectives   which   state   specifically   what   you   should   achieve   in   the corresponding unit. To evaluate your progress continuously, you are expected to refer to the overall course aims and objectives as well as the corresponding unit objectives upon the completion of each. Course Aims
  • The overall aims and objectives of this course will help you to:
  • Develop  your  knowledge  and  understanding  of  the  underlying  concepts and theories of the Multimedia System.
  • To outline and critically analyze the different elements of the Multimedia System.
  • Develop  your  competence  in  understanding  the  concept  and  developing applications of Multimedia Technology.
  • Provide the necessary details on how multimedia data are represented, stored, compressed and used;
Course Objectives It is pertinent to note that each unit has precise objectives. Students should learn them  carefully  before  proceeding  to  subsequent  units.  Therefore,  it  may  be useful  to  refer  to  these  objectives  in  the  course  of  your  study  of  the  unit  to assess  your  progress.  You  should  always  look  at  the unit  objectives  after completing  a  unit.  In  this  way,  you  can  be  sure  that  you  have  done  what  is required of you by the end of the unit. However, below are overall objectives of this course. On successful completion of this course, you should be able to:
  • Discuss the history of Multimedia
  • Give a concise definition of  Multimedia
  • Identify the desired features of the Multimedia System
  • Explain the term “Multimedia Hardware ”
  • Outline the types of Multimedia Hardware.
  • Explain what the Software is
  • State the significance of a software in Multimedia System
  • Explain the concept of Digital Audio
  • Identify the difference between a digital and analogue audio system
  • Explain the principles of  Video compression
  • Identify ways to create digital images
  • Explain the Basics of Color
  • Discover the benefits and challenges of using Colors
  • Define the term Authoring System
  • Outline and state the features of an Asynchronous Transfer Mode(ATM)
  • Describe the Routing process
  • Explain the concept of Video Conferencing
  • Describe the Internet Telephony Service  and the Computer Telephony Integration
  • Discuss the concept and features of a Digital Subscriber Lines
Working through this Course We designed this course in a systematic way, so you need to work through it from Module one, Unit 1 through to Module five, Unit four. This will enable you appreciate the course better. Course Materials For this course, you will require the following materials: 1) The course guide : 2) Study units which are twenty-one (21) in number 3) Textbooks recommended at the end of the units and 4) The presentation schedule


Course Currilcum

  • MT1: UNIT 4 ATM – Multimedia Systems Technology FREE 00:40:00
  • MT1: UNIT 3 MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS – Multimedia Systems Technology FREE 00:40:00
  • MT1: UNIT 2 AUTHORING SYSTEM – Multimedia Systems Technology Unlimited
  • MT1: UNIT 1 MULTIMEDIA COMPRESSION – Multimedia Systems Technology Unlimited
  • MT1: UNIT 4 COLOUR -Elements of multimedia Unlimited
  • MT1: UNIT 3 IMAGE-Elements of multimedia Unlimited
  • MT1: UNIT 2 VIDEO-Elements of multimedia Unlimited
  • MT1: Unit 1 DIGITAL AUDIO-Elements of multimedia Unlimited
  • MT1: UNIT 5 NETWORK-Introduction to Multimedia Technology Unlimited
  • MT1: UNIT 4 SERVER COMPUTER-Introduction to Multimedia Technology Unlimited
  • MT1: UNIT 3 MULTIMEDIA SOFTWARE-Introduction to Multimedia Technology Unlimited
  • MT1: UNIT 2 MULTIMEDIA HARDWARE-Introduction to Multimedia Technology Unlimited
  • MT1: UNIT 1 OVERVIEW OF MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY-Introduction to Multimedia Technology Unlimited