BIO3: BIOLOGY SENIOR THREE This course is compulsory for all students doing biology and the student taking it should have …



This course is compulsory for all students doing biology and the student taking it should have some knowledge about biology of senior one and two to make it easy for the person to understand it. This course has topics like Response in plants and animals, Locomotion and Growth and development both in plants and animals. Under Response, we looked at how plants and animals react to the environment around them and this brought us to the chemical coordination in vertebrates and also to receptor organs in animals especially man. Udemy style 7 In Locomotion, we look at movement in both plants and animals and in these we look at movement in moving plants and how they gain support from other plants around them. It finally talks about Growth and development in both plants and animals and this can easily be understood when one reads the unit in which the topic falls. It has videos and illustrations which give a person more knowledge about the above topics and also links so that the student can read more about them.


Course Currilcum