Register Institution

Dont be left behind. The best education institutions are on Yaaka. Fill form below to teach many any where

Register your Education Institution

Just put your details below and click REGISTER.

  • Name (required)
  • Country

    Which country you are signing up from or where you live

  • Birthday
  • Telephone (required)

    Your main telephone number

  • Alternative E-mail

    Your other email address where we can reach you

  • Whatsapp Phone
  • About

    Your bio: E.g. tell us who you are, what you are known for, or your claim to fame

  • Register

photography2When you register your institution on yaaka, you can put up courses that you can charge for students to access. You can sell your courses individually or in modules/ batches.

You decide how much to charge and how many students to have in your course. Whatever you decide to charge, you take biggest percentage of 70% of the money they pay. You can also refer students to Register for other courses on and earn a commission

Featured courses


marketingYour role as an education institution is to put up courses, engage students so they learn well and understand, provide and mark assignments and quizzes and give feedback.

We have built a robust system for you to invite, admit or suspend students from your courses, charge, mark and award certificates to the learners for achievement. The learners can be based at your institution or from anywhere in the world

free-60-icons-05Your skills and knowledge can reach and benefit many more people who will become better academically, economically and socially when they learn from you from wherever they are are.

In addition to putting up courses for free access to to be paid, you can become a sought after institution because of the interactive courses you put here.

You can also get Yaaka Plus, our networked offline solution which enables to access as an offline app that can be connected to by multitudes of users offline (but on a local area network or a non internet based wireless connection we put up at your institution). We can also build for you custom yaaka platform with your branding, as well as make for you custom tablet computers with your school branding which come with the learning platform and materials pre-installed