DOWNLOAD TO ACCESS THIS COURSE This is a very important course in the skills Development.This will enable students to improve …



This is a very important course in the skills Development.This will enable students to improve on their skills in communication and Audio-visual Techniques.Communication (including education and training) has remained misapplied or misunderstood by many students. The missing link has been poor understanding of the principles of communication, techniques of message delivery, training procedures, and training material preparation. The aims of this course is to fully explain the principles and techniques of communication in order to guide students in their efforts towards effective delivery of improved messages. The objectives of this course are:  to define communication,describe the major elements in the communication process,develop skills in communication and perception,state training materials, their uses and design techniques,discuss training media, their choices, problems and audio-visual aids,develop good illustrations of the topics,write and edit training manuscripts effectively and appreciate the need to use the internet for extension work.

Course Currilcum